Directly Impacting over 3,000 Kenyans per year
Nonprofit in USA 2015, Nongovernmental Organization in Kenya 2019
We as every tribe, tongue, and nation sharing in the intimacy of Jesus Christ
Our mission is to further the Kingdom of God by equipping and empowering Kenyan children with the boldness of Jesus Christ.

Board Members
Lisa Van De Berg
Vice President
Tom Goehle
Annie Ward
Zach Bauer
Leah Addington
Chase Ward
Kenyan Board
Chairman, Stephen Kipsang
Treasurer, Stephanie Wanjiru
Secretary, Lucy Nduki
Advisor, Dr. Gilbert Olbara
Advisor, Chase Ward
Advisor, Violah
Simba Staff
“The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
- Proverbs 28:1

Our Story
We want to share the intimate love of Jesus Christ with everyone we come in contact with, that could be through our ministry in Kenya or through sharing here the testimonials of His intimate faithfulness in the ministry. Either way we want people to have an encounter with our intimate God. While spending a lot of time the first year in Kenya, Simba listened to what was currently going on and asked different locals what are some of the biggest needs in the community were. After listening we partnered with a local school coming along side to help expand their child sponsorship program but quickly realized that Jesus cares for each of us in a holistic way.
Again, Jesus is very intimate and knows each of us by name and what we need. When we would visit orphans or children coming from widowed homes; we realized that the injustice of poverty goes deeper than just getting a child an education. We began to brainstorm with the Kenyan partners in ways they thought these problems could be resolved. We knew that whatever needed to be done Jesus had to be at the center of everything we do. So Jesus being at the center of the ministry and being the Lion of the tribe of Judea and our focusing empowering and equipping these Kenyan child, came the verse:
Proverbs 28:1 "The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion."
Then our logo was developed and it has five points on it, and through this along side Kenyans have developed 5 points that we focus on in the ministry
Children Sponsorship, Kingdom Buildings, Widows and Orphans, Health and Wellness, and Stewardship. All of these points working together and interwoven to care and empower the people we are working with. All pointing back to Jesus being at the center of the ministry.

Statement of Faith:
We Believe:
Holy Bible
We believe in the Holy Scriptures consisting of 66 books, old and new testament, inspired by God. The Holy Scriptures are the sole supreme authority under God for Christians believing and living. The Holy Scriptures serve to reveal His glory, man’s salvation, and all that is needed for life, faith, and obedience.
We believe in One true and Living God, eternal, and unchangeable, the Maker, and ruler of all things. God is the Creator of all things and his ruling has no end. God eternally existents in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ as our God, Savior, and Lord. We believe He was fully human and fully man that was born of a virgin, and He lived a sinless life. We believe in the miracles that occurred while He was here. He in human nature, without sin, fulfilled the law, taking on our sins, suffered, and died upon the cross for the salvation of sinners. He was buried, then rose again on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Jesus is the only way to the Father and eternal life.
Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is one of the three in the trinity who dwells in each believer. The Holy Spirit guides, teaches, reveals, molds, and perfects us in to the image of God. The Holy Spirit enables us to live a godly life.
Salvation by Grace
We believe that salvation is the acceptance, through faith, of God’s grace. People can not save themselves through acts or works of righteousness. The works of righteousness are fruits of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit after a person is saved.
We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and in the resurrection of believers’ spirit to return to God. Believers who put their trust in Jesus for salvation, will be reunited with Him for all of eternity. Those who don’t believe will be reserved under darkness until the day of judgement.
The Church
We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the Church is the devoted disciples of Jesus Christ coming together in unity beyond race, gender, or social class.
We believe that we are to share the love of Jesus Christ with all those that we meet, and God has placed in our lives. We believe in taking care of each person we serve through a holistic lens like God cares for His people. We believe in encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ through our relationship and programs. We believe that we are not the savior of the people we come across, but we have the responsibility to fully point them to Jesus through listening, words, prayer, and actions. We believe that we can’t do this by our own strength, but fully recognize that Jesus is our source of strength. We fully trust in His plan and His timing.